Friday, March 12, 2010

Gentlemans Quaterly??? pt. 4 (Definition of a Gentleman)

I am going to put this in all caps, so you know where I am coming from. READ THIS SHIT MUDDAPUCKER!(In my best Dat Phan impression). I want to make this short and sweet, I am not saying this will be my last Gentleman's Quarterly, but wouldn't it make sense if it was four parts since it has the word quarterly in it. I want everyone who I tagged to at least skim this issue because you may just end up as a frame of reference for the other readers. Ok, so here we go!

Webster's New World Dictionary 4th Edition defines a gentleman as;

"1 A man of good family and high social standing 2 A courteous, gracious, and honorable man 3 Any man: a polite term, esp. as (in pl.) a form of address.

Webster's New American Dictionary defines a gentleman as;

1 A man of good family 2 A well bred man 3 Man used in pl. as a form of address. defines a gentleman as;

1 A man of good family, breeding, or social position.
2 (used as a polite term) A man: Do you know that gentleman over there?
3 Gentlemen, (used as a form of address): Gentlemen, please come this way.
4 A civilized, educated, sensitive, or well-mannered man: He behaved like a true gentleman.
5 A male personal servant, esp. of a man of social position; valet.
6 A male attendant upon a king, queen, or other royal person, who is himself of high birth or rank.
7 A man of good social standing, as a noble or an armigerous commoner.
8 A man with an independent income who does not work for a living.
9 A male member of the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives: The chair recognizes the gentleman from Massachusetts.
10 History/Historical. a man who is above the rank of yeoman.

Now on that same subject my definition is not much different;

1 A dude. 2 A dude who likes ladies. 3 A dude who don't take shit off no bartender. 4 A dude who will not compromise his integrity over the way people perceive him.

Ok now let me address my most pressing issues based on the last post's comments.

@ Jessica, Treat, and Moma(yes I call my mother Moma!) I am glad you guys liked what I wrote hope you like this too it is a little more serious but you know what I mean.

@ Taneshia I understand what you mean about being too persistent, mostly because when a guy is unsure of his situation he is left to his own defenses. Which means his insecurity level might go up(and that we don't enjoy) i.e. jealousy, extramarital issues, and relationship complications. But guys usually if you stay cool and don't try as much to play bait and switch you can make connections when your friends are present.

@ Danielle I know what you mean. I have also caught one of my friends headed for one of those beer google disasters, and quickly corrected his vision. However, you have to understand people, whether consciously or unintentionally, rank themselves from 1-10. So, when you have set standards based on what you perceive yourself to be and they don't match up with reality you have a conflict. So, basically know your number and be humble or drive a Mercedes Benz. Ya dig?

@ Jimmy Ouyang thinking outside the box is the best way to describe it. So, make sure you guys check out Jimmy's comedy at to see his schedule and here some of his unique brand of comedy.

@ Jesse WTF you be talking about fool??? LMFAO j/k seriously I know what you mean though. You have to be prepared to explain why you are capable of being in a relationship with this woman, and have that as a goal if you expect success. Plus you just can't be no weed smoking bum right? @ Melissa Gallo....

@ Denisa it's more than interesting baby this shit is MY LIFE!

@ Nick if you are a self cock blocker there is not a lot of help I can offer you. However, you can help yourself by getting out of the way to let yourself pass. Remember fearlessness is the 50th Law of Power and to achieve it you have to follow the other 48 Laws.(If you don't understand that reference just ask me)

@ Tristan you already know what it is boss.

Well I know I may have left some of you high and dry for now, but I will be back with more and more posts in the near future. If you have anything you think that I should write about email me @, or just hit me up on Facebook. Join me over the next month when I will have official interviews from's own Wendy Day(Murder Dog, Ozone, RapCointelpro etc.)

This excerpt taken from explains:

"Wendy Day has been at the leading edge of making change in the way the music industry conducts business and her name is synonomous with fairness and education. She is at the forefront of trends and market shifts in today's urban music industry. The bulk of artists in rap music are coming through her offices, and record labels seek out her opinion on trends, styles, and regions of talent explosion. It is difficult to find an artist today, either established or up and coming, who hasn't been touched by this woman. In the February 2000 Source Magazine, and again in January 2001, she was honored by being inducted into "The Power 30," an annual ranking of the most influential people in urban music."

Also I will be interviewing my man Rashaud Spikes while he is here in San Diego doing physical therapy. I am going to take him out, show him a good time, and hopefully get a few minutes of good shit to laugh about and post on Facebook.

As you may have noticed I have taken on a slightly different writing style in this post. I am transitioning to the publishing side of my business and will be doing work for several different businesses in the Southern California area. So, I am basically required to :( also the @ symbol is prevalent mainly because I think I am going to just stop being a cynic and JOIN THE TWEEPLE!.................Maybe but for right now i'm off to "GO DUMB" With Earl 40 Water Stevens yee!


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